Sunday, July 23, 2006

Penniless in Prague

Discovered today that my ATM/Debit card decided to up and quit on me. It's times like these that is sucks to be a gal without a back-up plan.

I've emailed my credit union to find out if they've blocked my account or what. I guess the strip could be used up or God forbid someone's gotten a hold of my account number and drained all my dough. I just don't know. But I hate it.

I do have some euros and some dollars I could change (or use) and I've got a functional credit card with which I could take out a cash advance. I also have friends who can spot me a little money. . . .

But dang.

I hope I can resolve this soon, or I might just have to beg my way home early. . . .


Sid said...

NO! I'm pretty much broke too but let me know if I can help you out with phonecalls from this end.

Sorry lady!

No chance you can do some impromptu bartending for bucks? Michael Sweeney could hook you up!

divine m said...

SID: Merci dahlink, you're ever a dear. Still no news, but I'll let you know. . . .

friendlee2: ???

Unknown said...

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

Someone tried to hack my debit card while I'm in San Fran. Although the bank caught it, they shut down my debit card and shipped the new one to my sister's house in Chicago. I've been living off credit cards until I can get back to Chicago.
