Last night I discovered my enneagram type. Any of y'all into that?
Apparently, I'm predominantly
with secondary leanings toward
which apparently makes me more of a conglomeration of JFK, MLK, Noel Coward, Mother Theresa, Bette Midler and Saddam Hussein.
Yep, sounds about right.
Great. What are you?
Most of mine were 1's (Reformer - gee, what a shock - have your read any of the Manifesto?), followed by 5, the Investigator (able to see the world in an entirely different way...hmm, something like my Laurrie Logic?) and the Enthusiast! Hey, this didn't suck!
Thanks for the link! I just did the free one.
Love & Light
I did the long ass one and then the free one and got the same result, so it's probably pretty accurate. It's so interesting what you can find out about yourself, n'est pas?
I took the free test also. It says that I'm most like type 6 (the loyalist), followed very closely behind by type 3 (the achiever) and type 8 (the challenger) respectively.
I'd say at this point of my life, it's fairly true.
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