Friday, June 09, 2006

long overdue update

Madnes has taken over for the past couple of weeks. Finishing up the term, getting grades in, taking on freelance writing and grading(!) jobs (if only I got paid $20 a paper in my real job), attempting to finalize arrangements in Europe (unsuccessfully) and all the other usual bullshit.

So that's why you haven't heard from me.

And my laptop is fucked. Again. Needs to get shipped off for repairs. Again.

After sending off a cashier's check to a friend of my screenwriting prof to secure a sublet, he informed me that his landlord is pissed and it's a no go. I had planned on staying there for two months. This has caused me to reconceive my entire trip. Good thing I hadn't made hard travel plans. And he did send the check back.

Fuck it. I wish I could control these things, but I can't. I think I've gotten another place--more expensive and just for one month, but it'll do. Maybe I'll just take out a loan and wander around until the wedding in France. I could hit a lot of places I've never seen in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, maybe even Italy. I could skip all that and go straight to Istanbul. I could do a spa tour. . . . I could shack up with a fabulous someone who has several country homes in which I could choose to live for a while. Who the hell knows?

I don't even know if I have time to take care of all the things I need to take care of. Finishing stuff now and preparing for what will come in the fall (I return the week classes start). Oy! Why do I do this to myself?

Oh, that's right. Because I love challenge and change and all the good that can come of it. But now is the scary stuff. The not knowing. I like to know it all, have all the information in front of me, but alas, ce n'est pas possible! Oh shit! I need to brush up on my French, too. . . . !

The good news is I'm also having fun. I went to see KiKi's new play last night and he is a fucking genius. The whole theatre laughed so hard they cried. I love having smart, talented, funny friends. Is there anything better?

And I'm hoping to escape for a little while to Chicago. It's Bluesfest weekend, people! See you there?

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