Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Home sick.

I've become a complete wuss when it comes to the slightest sign of illness. I wish more people were like me--then I probably wouldn't be sick as often as I am.

So I cancelled all my appointments and I'm not going to class today. I am doing a bit of work, and I went for a good run in the sunshine this afternoon. (I have an awful sore throat, but it hasn't moved into my chest, so I think a good aerobic workout might help kick the bug).

I would like to take a moment to give thanks for my life: I've filled it with work and some level of chaos, but it is pretty free of drama, the nasty variety. I've been wounded in the past, and I will no doubt be in the future, but I will continue to lay my cards on the table . . . I don't know any other way to live. But I think I can be (and have gotten) smarter about whom I'll make myself vulnerable with. Cut loose the bloodsuckers and hold near the people who'll throw their cards down, too.

Shit. I'm not even on any cold medicine. Pretty cryptic, huh?

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